Learn to Tackle 5 Depressing, Anxiety-Triggering, Overwhelming Thinking Traps In Just 5 Days
(Even If You Don’t See Them Coming Till They’ve Got You.)
A FREE, 5-day email course giving you the info and tools you need to:
- Understand how these painful thoughts capture your attention and energy…
- Catch them when they show up…
- And build healthy thinking habits to begin banishing them from your life!
Created by Phila Hoopes, who has...
- An M.A. in Applied Healing Arts
- 10 years staffing women’s transformational retreats
- 10 years in peer facilitation in women’s small personal-growth circles
- Decades of personal work and reading on her own journey of healing complex trauma.
Note: Phila is a ghostwriter, not a mental health professional. This e-course is a sample of her writing.
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Ready to take positive steps toward escaping your habitual thinking traps?
Here's a sneak peek of everything you're going to learn inside this email course:
[Day #1.] Emotional Thinking – how this trap leaves you mistaking your emotional reactions for truth, resulting in anxiety and depression, poor self-esteem, and damaged relationships … and how to reality-check yourself.
[Day #2.] Absolutist Thinking – how this trap locks you into trying to meet an impossible standard of perfection or failure, resulting in anger, hopelessness, and isolation …. and how to reframe your thoughts.
[Day #3.] Doom Thinking – how this trap keeps you continually expecting the worst outcome of each situation, resulting in fear, helplessness, and lost opportunities … and how to dial down the terror.
[Day #4.] Always/Never Thinking – how this trap leads to sweeping judgments against yourself, others, and situations, resulting in self-hatred, resentment, and isolation … and how to change those judgments.
[Day #5.] Self-Blaming Thinking – how this trap buries you in toxic responsibility for everything that goes wrong (whether it’s under your control or not!), resulting in toxic guilt, overwhelm, and burnout …. and how to reset your mindset!
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